Now comes the hard part

I’m pleased to announce that my current novel, tentatively titled Prodigies, is finally at the stage where I’m looking for a publisher.

Like any novel, this one has been a long project and a labour of love. The story has taken turns I hadn’t anticipated when I started about 18 months ago and new characters have walked into my life as I’ve been writing it. I’ve had to spend a fair amount of time revising earlier chapters to fit the new ideas that came to me as I’ve been writing and, of course, there’s been a lot of revising to make the words sing or to make them fit the characters and the mood of the piece.

Overall, I’m proud of all 102,000 words.

I’m hoping as well that the next announcement I make here is that I’ve signed a contract with somebody that will see me rework (and probably trim) those 102,000 words.

Until then, keep reading, and buying books.